Poems by Sherri D. Lawson


Self-Love is a poem I wrote reflecting upon an alter-ego, which is really your spirit man/woman. that is a part of us (lives in us from birth), who pushes us to love ourselves, it is the person inside of us when we are doubting ourselves who tells us “we can do something.” It tells us “we are beautiful.” It speaks about the love of self as you go through life with your spirit-man directing you.


I fell in love with you a long, long time ago,
Never realized then, I just didn’t know.
I used to dream of you, when I was a little girl,
Of you and I together, conquering the world.
You standing tall, helping me to succeed,
Me following you, as you took the lead

Loving and protecting me as we made our mistakes,
Never giving up, even when we fell on our face.
Envision a mountain, whose top is unreachable,
Visualize an ocean, whose bottom is unthinkable,
Like that, my horizons with you have unlimited realities,
Shaping my thoughts and broadening my mentality.
You are my closest friend, you hold my secrets tight.
My love for you must remain constant, for it gives my spirit insight.

I fell in love with you a long, long time ago,
Never realized then, I just didn’t know.
You were living in me, right from the start,
And not just a piece, not just a part,
You made up my entire conscious soul,
Directing my life, and making me whole.
Yes, I fell in love with you a long time ago,
Never realized then, I just didn’t know.



A Woman’s Worth, is a poem that pays homage to women. It speaks of the strength and resilience of women to prevail, and to keep going even when life has not been in their favor. It recognizes the vital role the woman plays in the family, and her role in society.


Some of us are quiet, humble, spirits, some are loud, like raging bulls, but many have endured things, With a warriors’ heart and a special intellect required by kings.
It isn’t always easy, managing to keep our heads held high, But so many of us do it with grace, in-spite of adversities that could leave us by the wayside.

Going through life with a zeal, that’s often hard for others to understand, Especially when what we want, most often aren’t in the plans.
Equal Rights? For who? Equal Pay? When?                                                                           Standing in factories doing the same grunge work as our men.

Even still somehow we still find the strength to carry the load and press on, taking care of families, even when we’re tired and torn.
Reflections of love we are, mothers, daughters, sisters, wives and friends,
We’re the glue that binds our families, necessary book ends.

Holding everything together that’s just what we do,
We’re doctors, lawyers, professors, accountants, teachers, custodians, scientists, civil services workers, postal workers, entertainers, astronauts, business owners, musicians, mechanics, construction workers, chefs, Uber drivers, communication specialist, and that’s just to name a few.

Nothing less than super human, with all that’s on our plates,
Some of us must bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan and have the kids in bed by eight!

But, I would be selling us short if I just labeled women as caretakers, we’re so much more than that,
We’re Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Joan of Arc, Oprah Winfrey, Gloria Steinem, Maya Angelo, Susan B. Anthony, Queen Elizabeth, Madame C.J. Walker, Margaret Thatcher, Michelle Obama, Peggy Noonan, Sojourner Truth, Hilary Clinton, Winnie Mandela, this is a fact.

No one can dispute our power, no one can ignore the female child’s value from the very day of her birth, For she is the essence of resilience, the embodiment of her worth.



I Wanted to Do Something with My Life, is a little light humor poem, it’s about a person, who has gone through life (decade, after decade) and didn’t do the things they said they wanted to do (only talking about it, never even trying); and never really having any good excuse, because not to do the things, no one was stopping them.


I wanted to do something with my life!
Because I was a part of the Generation X crew,
Everyone expected we would do something new,
I figured I would be in the forefront of the eighties progressive moves.
I thought I would be a part of a new revolution,
Fighting and striving for better evolution.
Instead I settled and I hated it!
Working on a job every day, so I quit!

I really wanted to do something with my life!

I thought I would be a part of the nineties change!
but instead a dead stall is where I remained!
I thought I would then be part of the white-collar, professional world!
Instead I was just another disappointed, unhappy black-girl!
I thought maybe I would contribute to the struggles of my people,
But instead I sat, looking sad, and feeble.
You know like that Rosa Parks lady who sat on the bus and helped start a movement,
I thought I would at least do something that would help my people’s improvement!

I really wanted to do something with my life!

I thought that when the millennium hit,
I would get on track, I even said to myself, “this is it!”
I’ll do something impactful with my life!
Well, I finally got another job I thought I could make a change, but all the people I tried to help fussed and complained.

Anyway, none of the jobs I had were really a good fit,
They just didn’t see all my potential that’s why I always had to quit!

I really wanted to do something with my life!

I guess it just wasn’t in the cards,
So, I decided I just wouldn’t work at all!


Obituary, is a what I call a “call to action” poem, it calls the listener to look at their life, and examine how they present their lives to others. It says your life tells your story for you. Your life is your legacy. It’s not really your money or possessions, it’s the way lived, how you treated others, that will make a lasting impression on others.


Have you ever really thought about the story your life will tell?

When it’s all said and done what will your letters spell?
Will they spell out the K I N D N E S S you always showed?

Or will they spell out the C O L D N E S S in your unapproachable soul?
What will your life leave as a legacy?

Do you realize as you live, you’re writing your obituary?

Will your life tell the story of a person who live for the good of all?
Or will it tell how for others, you made their lives so hard?

Will your life demonstrate how you showed compassion for your fellow man?
Or will it show how you never ever attempted to lend a helping hand?

Do you realize as you live you’re writing your obituary?
Or does it matter at all what will be of your legacy?

When speaking about you, will people be able to honestly say,
“That was a good person, of themselves they always gave,
they were unselfish to the day they were buried in their grave.”

Or will they have to remain uncomfortably silent,
When asked if your life showed any humanitarian triumphs?

Do you realize as you live you’re writing your obituary?
Will a reflection of love be your legacy?


How Will He Come? Is a poem, that calls the listener/reader to examine their behavior and thoughts. It reminds them to treat others respectfully and kindly.


Just the other day I saw this old man digging in the trash, he was dirty, smelly and his breath stunk so bad.

He went from person to person begging everyone for food,
but no one would help him, they said, “That’s just what he do!”

Each day, someone complained, “He’s begging us to death!”
“He needs to ask someone for a mint, to take care of that bad breath!”

We all laughed hard as the person told his joke.
We laughed at the old man, while in the trash he poked.

The old man was silent; he never said a word,
even though all the things we said, I’m sure he overheard.

Finally, the old man quietly made his way over to me.
“Get back!” I yelled, “Get away, just let me be!”

The old man looked startled and a tear fell from his eye.
I said to him wondering, “Why did I make you cry?”

“You heard the others and all that they said,
you heard how they talked, how they talked about you bad!”

The old man looked at me with tears still in his
“Do you really want to know why you make me cry?

While the others have cursed me, yes, this is true,
I expected so much more from someone
like you.

You say you love me and want to reflect my life,
but I stand right before you and you don’t recognize me on sight.”

I stared at the old man, and tried not to lose my cool,
I remained quiet and thought, “He’s just an old fool!”
The old man began to smile as a bright glow begin to light his face,
I could then see the spirit of love and serenity that graced his space.

I stood in shock, because I had finally realized,
That dirty, old smelly, man was CHRIST, right before my eyes!

I held my head in shame, thinking of the things I’d said and the way I’d acted,
He just looked at me, grabbed my hands and smiled, but His love He never retracted.

Only one thing he asked of me, and this I also ask of you, when someone is in need, please be kind, loving, patient and true.