One of my all time favorite quotes is by the poet, novelist, feminist and civil rights activist Audre Lorde, who said, “If I didn’t define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people’s fantasies for me and eaten alive.”  This quote defines who I am.

I am a wonderfully, creative, vibrant, happy, strong, positive, (sometimes stubborn), very protective of those I love, and expecting individual, who refuses to be crunched into other people’s ideas of who I should be!  I am the author, and defining voice of who SHERRI IS. Sometimes this is great for me, and sometimes it’s not so great; because it means many times others would like me to be what they envision.  Those who love me, know how fortunate they are, though! (Hehehe). I’m not made from a mold. I help when others won’t. I work when other refuse to. I’m happy when others are not. I’m positive when the situation is negative. I say YES to helping others when many say NO. I smile when circumstances should make me cry. I go on, even though I’m tired. I see the good in others when many just see the bad. I’m loving in the face of hate. But, most of all, I HAVE EXPECTATIONS!IMG_3493

I EXPECT others to help out when they can, I EXPECT the work to get done (even if I have to do it alone), I EXPECT for people to enjoy some happiness in life, I EXPECT for situations to be more positive than negative, I EXPECT for people to help one another, I EXPECT to smile throughout my day regardless of the issues that surround me, I EXPECT  to finish my course, even though I’m worn and tired, I EXPECT to see the good in others when they’re acting contrary, I EXPECT that I am strong enough to love those who hate me because of how beautifully I was created.  I simply EXPECT to have some awesome EXPECTATIONS that allow me not to be crunched into other people’s ideas of who Sherri Should BE! That’s Sherri in a nutshell.