

By Sherri D. Lawson

There are many reasons why the University of Baltimore attracts so many students each year. One reason could be, the attractive architectural, historical landmarks surrounding its campus. If you’re interested in a career in law, it could be because of the newly designed John and Frances Angelo’s Law Center (the building was designated LEED Platinum by the U.S. Green Building Council), or because of the new state-of-the-art library currently under construction. Some have cited, UB’s proximity to downtown Baltimore, and its famous “Inner Harbor,” as well as the city’s active social life, and the unique educational experience, for their affinity. These are just a few reasons the University of Baltimore students from all backgrounds come to the school each year.

However, the one thing that most attracts students to UB, is the commitment to keep their students first. Since its founding in 1925, the University of Baltimore has strived to produce the best professionals in the region. To do this, administrators recognized students must come first in each decision the university makes. Students are regularly invited to meetings regarding the universities plans and intentions. Students are asked to weigh in and give their opinion or vote on decisions concerning the school; and students are even asked to participate in the interview process, when considering new hires for teaching positions. Carl Tilghman, a senior, and digital communications major explains, “When I was asked to participate in an interview panel to hire a new professor for the Digi-com department, I was shocked! I thought, ‘You want me to help decide who to hire?’ I had never heard of this concept before; but I thought it was great! It made me feel that UB really cares what I think and is really considering their students first.” He is not alone in this sentiment, students love the school’s atmosphere. Those who were interviewed, seemed to truly appreciate UB’s consistency for treating each student, regardless of age, race, gender or experience level, as respected adults who will be qualified professionals in their careers.

The university offers students an education that will help to advance them as industry experts. In March of 2017 UB’s School of Law, was ranked 12th best in the country, for its clinical law and part-time JD programs. a ranking that jumped from position #21; and in January 2018, the law school was rank No. 13 on Prelaw magazine’s list of the Top 20 law schools for African-Americans, based on student enrollment, faculty and student services. Professor John Hightower, who teaches Public Relations in the 21st Century, states, “UB is a great place to learn. We teach our students with the mindset of what information they will need most, and what is the absolute best for them to succeed in the industry they will enter.” Students truly do receive a unique educational experience; this is because UB has many working adults who are returning to school, along with traditional young adult students who are just graduating from high school. This creates a wonderful atmosphere of diversity. In every area of the school the administration and faculty seek to obtain the students input. This is why the University of Baltimore continues to lead the pack in keeping the student first keeping their students first.


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