


Your beauty is awesome in the form of the sunset and the fruit that grows on trees.

It’s easy to capture just look around and witness, look around and we’ll see.

You breathed on humanity and created us all, and formed the heavens thousands, thousands of feet tall.

I’ve tried to image you over and over in my mindtried to evaluate the length of my life based upon your time.

But try as I might, I can never conceive, my intellect too small, for such information to retrieve.

You’re perfect in everything so mere words can’t suffice.

They can’t explain your magnificence or the mystery of human life.

Many books that are written attempt to explain who you are, but they’re limited also; man’s brain is too small.

A walk in the park , the fragrance of spring, I think of how with your love, you nourish nature by allowing it to rain.

Just to see this process is so amazing to me, how the birds fly in the air and the color of autumn leaves.

I’ve lain in the field at sunset watching the beauty of it all, staring into the heavens as the stars began to fall.

Oh how wondrous the breath of life is to man!

And just to think you designed it all, and it’s all in your loving hands.  

I’ve looked at newborn babies, tiny replicas of man, so amazed at the awesome process that you so flawlessly planned.  

And then I see the sunset of an elder’s final days; from infancy to adulthood, back to infancy, I’m truly amazed.

And so it never ceases to amaze me as I look around and view all of this; I look at myself in the mirror and I’m so amazed that even I exist!

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