


Many times, people believe a happy and peaceful life are two conditions that will just happen for them if they obtain the things they desire. This is so far from the truth. A peaceful and happy life is a specific choice that is made by an individual.

1. It is a conscious decision to operate out of a self-love for one’s self.

2. Happiness must be purposely sort.

3. We all have bad days, but for a happy and peaceful person, they have become well accustomed to separating a bad day from a bad life.

4. People with peaceful lives can have a bad day, evaluate why it was not so good for them, then adjust if there is a need to, and move on.

5. They are determined not to allow anything, or anyone to destroy their peace and/or happiness.

Leading Australian personal development blogger, Brendan Baker, in his 9 steps to create a more peaceful life, gives two of the most important steps to maintaining peace:

1. Seek to love, not control others – when we cease seeking control over the lives of others and ourselves is the first major step in living a peaceful life. This is because it means we recognize that we cannot control everything in our lives, so when things don’t go as we would like or planned, we are better able to move on and maintain our peace.

2. Find Your Inner Peace –you should pick a day when to find a peaceful place and sit quietly. This is the time to focus on “only you.” Baker says, “Tying to fill your life with possessions or improving yourself by social climbing without stopping to value your inner worth will leave you perpetually unhappy.”
Peace and happiness must be a decision purposely made by the individual, when a person is determine to live a life of harmony, they are willing to protect their peace. This means they must nurture their life and value self-love.

Sherri D. Lawson, is a motivational speaker and author of the book, “Faith, Courage and Wisdom: Poetry to Inspire.

Contact info: sherriberrismiles@gmail.com

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